Gossip Clatch with Buddy and the Cougars

What a month May was.  We had birthdays coming out our ying yang. mol  There was Allie, Ali, Madi, me…Angel Kali and Ellie.  That’s 5 of us.  We were Spring babies.  I don’t want to talk about my age so from now on I’ll be ageless.                                                                    

ANGEL KIT:  Well glory be to Sylvester’s ghost, I for one am glad all the hoopla is over.  This being on my best behaviour is a pain in the pazubiac.  Give me room to relax and spread out not uptight and smiling like some sortof Chesire Cat.                                                               
Now, I ask you, do I look like grinning is a favourite past time of mine?

BINGA:  You sure don’t appear to be joyous and happy.  Woops, that’s feelings for Christmas.  You get the idea Angel Kit.  Smiling is for kittens.  They have no idea what’s going on and everything makes them happy.  How about that twerp at your house Angel Kali, she’s driving your sister crazy with attacks from every corner and sneak a flying attacks.  All this and she’s just a ball of white fluff.  Not very scary I’d say.                                                                

AMBER: I don’t know. Persistence is the key and if this Tyebe character keeps pushing everything, that could be a real nuisance. We kitties aren’t used to some furry right in our faces 24/7. Unless we gave birth to it. Your sister must put this, ‘Tyebe kangaroo down boy…’ into her place.  No if ands or butts about it!

She’s just a kitten. It’s not like she’s going to plot against your sis Angel Kali.  Let’s take a peek at them through our magic TV.                                                                             
ANGEL PHOEBE:  Look at that white ball of fluff, she’s standing up to Shoko despite being thrown on the floor several times.  You can tell she’s been thrown several times by her white fur.  It’s standing on end.  She looks like a demon from hell-o to me.                                                               

Angel Lily Olivia:  This little gal has spunk.  Is she a red head like you Angel Kali?  Yep, but I was so easy going.  You were the exception to the rule then.  Tyebe is a true red head and loaded for a tussel.  I was never like this, I was a loving kitten so I find it hard to relate.

The Cougars mew so hard at Angel Lily Olivia’s statement that they have to take a sip of nip tea and wipe the happy tears from their eyes.

SARABI:  Gosh, Angel Lily O. thanks for the laugh.

ANGEL LILY OLIVIA:  It’s true….REALLY!  You never met a more gentle and helpful kitten.

BUDDY:  Stop, stops Angel Lily O.  I haves trouble keeping my pee in checks at the bestest of times but you are making me go. mol  You’s so funny Angel Lily O.                                                                         

BUDDY:  Heys friends, see ya next time when we’ll see if Tyebe is really a cat from hell and if Shoko packed her bags to hit the road.


9 thoughts on “Gossip Clatch with Buddy and the Cougars

  1. NylabluesMum

    Mee-you deerest Angel Purrincess Phoebe iss wunderfull to see you here today. Mee dreemed of you last nite an wee were havin a pick-nick inn a park with a littul lake under an old Will-oh tree…..mee luvss you with all mee heart ❤
    An littul Cuss-inn Tyebee iss well, littul an mee reememburrss ALL thee Kay-os mee putted LadyMum thru', mew mew mew…Shee will gro uppy soon……soonish…..mew mew mew!!!
    ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx



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